ABOUT PSALMOS - Cincinnati

As part of the CSO’s 2015.2016 season, three exciting international composers were commissioned to compose new Concertos for Orchestra, showcasing the virtuosity, style, and sound of the CSO. The recording represents the culmination of this exciting project, and once again affirms the CSO’s core value of being a place of experimentation.

Thierry Escaich's Psalmos, his new work written for the CSO, is based on chorale melodies familiar from the works of Bach (as well as other representatives of the German Lutheran tradition), but it takes those chorale melodies to places they have never been before.

The commissioned work of Thierry Escaich's Psalmos, was made possible by a generous gift from Ann and Harry Santen. The recording of Thierry Escaich's Psalmos, was made possible by a generous gift from Tom and Dee Stegman."

psalmos cincinnati sinfonia-concertante

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